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Frequently asked questions

How to prepare for an Ethical hacking / Penetration testing job?

What is an ethical hacking / penetration testing job?

What is Data protection profession / Privacy profession?

What is Security operations center (SOC) job?

What is GRC / ISO27001 / ITGC career?

What are the various free / open source test platforms to practice ethical hacking / penetration testing?

How to practice Android security testing?

What are the common interview questions in Ethical hacking / Penetration testing job interviews?

What are the tools to learn ethical hacking / Penetration testing?

Where to practice ethical hacking on Cloud setup?

How to practice API testing for free?

How to prepare for an ITGC / ISO27001 / GRC job?

What are the various free / open source test platforms to practice ethical hacking / penetration testing?

Helpful resources
  1. Website Security Testing:

PortSwigger Labs,

DVWA,BWAPP,OWASP Mutilidae,OWASP Web Goat, OWASP Juice Shop, OWASP Broken Web application

Zero Bank, Altoro Mutual, Acunetix Vulnweb

  1. CTF Websites:

Tryhackme, Hackthebox, PicoCTF, Hacker101,Vulnhub,Pentesterlab,CTFTime

  1. Android Testing: 

Insecure Bank, Injured Android, DIVA, Oversecured app,InsecureShop

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