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How and where can one practice vulnerability assessment and which open source tools can be downloaded and used?

One can practice Vulnerability Assessment using these Free Labs:

Platform: HackXpert

Description: Free labs and training

Platform: TryHackMe

Description: Hands-on exercises and labs

Platform: CyberSecLabs

Description: High quality training labs

Platform: Cybrary

Description: Videos, labs, and practice exams

Platform: Root Me

Description: Over 400 cybersecurity challenges

Platform: Vuln Machines

Description: Real world scenarios to practice

Platform: OverTheWire

Description: Learn security concepts through challenges

Platform: Try2Hack

Description: Play a game based on the real attacks

Platform: Hack The Box

Description: Online cybersecurity training platform

Platform: VulnHub

Description: Material for practical hands-on experience

Platform: PortSwigger Web Security Academy

Description: Extensive learning material with online labs

Platform: hacksplaining

Description: Security Training for Developers

Open Source Tools:

Tool: Burp Suite Framework

Description: For Performing Security Testing Of Web Applications

Tool: ZAP Proxy Framework

Description: Integrated Penetration Testing Tool

Tool: Dirsearch

Description: Find Hidden Web Directories

Tool: NMAP

Description: Discover Hosts And Services On A Network

Tool: Sublist3r

Description: Enumerate subdomains of websites

Tool: Amass

Description: Performs network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery

Tool: SQLMap

Description: Automated detect and exploit SQL Injection flaws

Tool: Metasploit Framework

Description: Modular penetration testing platform that enables you to write, test, and execute exploit code

Tool: WPscan

Description: Test the security of WordPress websites

Tool: Nikto

Description: Web server and CGI scanner written in Perl


Description: Fast web application reconnaissance tool coded in go

Tool: Nuclei

Description: Send requests across targets based on a template, leading to zero false positives and providing fast scanning on a large number of hosts

Tool: FFUF

Description: Fastest open-source fuzzing tool written in the Go

Tool: Subfinder

Description: Subdomain discovery tool that returns valid subdomains for websites, using passive online sources

Tool: Masscan

Description: TCP port scanner which transmits SYN packets asynchronously and produces results similar to nmap

Tool: Lazy Recon

Description: Automate some tedious tasks of reconnaissance and information gathering, written in Bash

Tool: XSS Hunter

Description: Find all kinds of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, including the often-missed blind XSS

Tool: Aquatone

Description: Visual inspection of websites across a large amount of hosts

Tool: LinkFinder

Description: Python script written to discover endpoints and their parameters in JavaScript files

Tool: JS-Scan

Description: A tool designed to scrape a list of .js files and extract urls, as well as juicy information

Tool: GAU

Description: Fetches known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, and URLScan for any given domain

Tool: Parameth

Description: Brute discover GET and POST parameters

Tool: truffleHog-

Description: Open source project tool for discovering keys leaked via JavaScript or too-permissive CORS settings in APIs

Tool: Katana

Description: Framework written in python for making penetration testing, based on a simple and comprehensive structure


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How to install and configure Burpsuite?

For download, visit this link and choose your Operating system:

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