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Privacy Notice



Purpose of collection


Information that we collect during enrolment is necessary for us to qualify you for the program and to contact you for further process in the program. We may use this information for further analysis of suitable profiles and colleges for our programs and we shall use this information to further reach out to necessary colleges to expand our program. We shall also use this information for analytics and improvement in our services. 


Information collected


The information we collect, store and process includes your full name, your college, your degree, year of passing, email, phone number, program interested in and your availability for the program. 


Data of children


Our website is not intended for children or individuals less than 18 years of age. 




We shall store this information for a period of one year after you finish the program. This is required to monitor your progress and further develop our program. Post the completion of one year we shall provide you the option to opt in for continued maintenance of your information in our systems for feedback and contribution from you to improve our programs. 


Data Sharing 


We may share your data with companies for placement purposes and this shall be done only after explicit permission from you. Additional data such as resume, photo and other technical skill information may be collected for placement purposes. 


Your data may be automatically collected by ad networks through cookies enabled in your browser. Such data is used for advertisement purposes.  




Cookies are small text files which are stored in your computer and help us maintain session information and identify if you visit our website again. Cookies help us provide you a better user experience such as ease of use. 


We plan to use various service providers such as ad networks in future to maintain use server log files and use data collection tools such as cookies, scripts, device or browser fingerprints, tags, web beacons when you access and use our services. These tools have the capability to automatically track and collect certain system data and usage data when you use our services. Such tracking is used for advertising services and link to various social media services. 


You may adjust your cookie settings from your browser to prevent us from such tracking which may also hamper your user experience as minimal tracking is necessary to provide good user experience. 




We use reasonable security measures to protect your data based on the type and sensitivity of the data stored by us. 


Your rights 


You may at any point write to us to access your information, remove your information from our systems and update / correct your information. You may write at the following email to access your rights.   


For any queries or information regarding your personal information contact us at 


Modifications to the Privacy policy


We may update this Privacy policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to it, we will notify you via your registered email or as required by applicable law. Unless specified the modifications will become effective on the day of posting changes. 


If you continue to use our services after the effective date of any change, then your access and /or use shall be deemed as an acceptance of the update Privacy policy. 

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