What is Authentication and Authorization? What's the difference between them?
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system. It ensures that the person or entity trying to...
What is Authentication and Authorization? What's the difference between them?
What are the various free / open source test platforms to practice ethical hacking / penetration testing?
What is an ethical hacking / penetration testing job?
How to prepare for an Ethical hacking / Penetration testing career?
Are you aware of any recent Hack/vulnerability? If yes then Explain in detail.
What is Stealth scan in NMAP, give the command. Also explain why it is called Stealth?
What is NMAP? Why is it used?
What's the difference between Intruder and Repeater?
Why is the MD5 algorithm considered insecure?
Why are PUT,TRACE and TRACK methods disabled?